Aviation Net-Zero Dialogue

ATAG - representing all sectors of commercial aviation - invited governments, ICAO representatives, the aviation industry, the energy sector and other stakeholders to attend the Aviation Net-Zero Dialogue on Thursday 26 May 2022 in Montreal.

In October 2021, the global air transport industry adopted a new long-term goal to address its climate change impact by committing to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The declaration was signed by the CEOs and leaders of the following: ACI, Airbus, ATR, Boeing, CFM, CANSO, Collins Aerospace, Embraer, GAMA, GE Aviation, IATA, IBAC, ICCAIA, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce and SAFRAN.

The purpose of the ATAG Aviation Net-Zero Dialogue was to explain and encourage discussion on the various pillars of action to achieve industry decarbonisation. There was a particular focus on accelerated energy efficiency measures, energy transition, innovation across the aviation sector and the importance of working in partnership with governments around the world.

For more information, see the event website.