Sustainable aviation fuel: financing the scale‐up (London)

ATAG is partnering with BloombergNEF to organise a briefing on Sustainable aviation fuel: financing the scale‐up in London on Thursday 25 July

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is one of the few low-carbon technologies with the potential to help decarbonise aviation, and the only feasible option in the near term.

The nascent SAF industry continues to show promise, with the number of offtake agreements surging in the past two years as airlines demonstrate their commitment to the fuel, and new projects boost anticipated production capacity. But hurdles remain, namely scarcity of supply, competition for resources, and a lack of technological diversification.

These hurdles have led to significant barriers when securing financing projects. If unaddressed, these will lead to substantial bottlenecks and could cause the aviation industry to fall short of its ambitious goals.



13:30 – 14:00 Registration & Networking

Ilhan Savut
Head of Upstream Oil, BloombergNEF

A look at the overall path to net-zero and the role of different levers of mitigation available to aviation.

Haldane Dodd
Executive Director, ATAG

Nikolas Soulopoulos
Analyst, Advanced Transport, BloombergNEF

Moderated by Rose Oates
Associate, Renewable Fuels, BloombergNEF

Sustainable aviation fuels are expected to play a key role in curbing aviation emissions, and increasingly feature in ambitious policy aimed at ramping up use. But with high costs, cross-sector competition for resources and limited supply of sustainable feedstock, the path to reaching scale is not straight forward. This panel will discuss the challenges facing the SAF industry and what is needed to overcome them.

Jonathon Counsell
Group Sustainability Officer, International Airlines Group

Julie Kitcher
Chief Sustainability Officer and Communications, Airbus

Lauren Riley
Chief Sustainability Officer, United Airlines

Oskar Meijerink
Head of Future Fuels, SkyNRG

15:25 – 15:40 Coffee Break

Sean Donohue
Chief Executive Officer, DFW Airport

Interviewed by George Ferguson
Senior Aerospace, Defense & Airline Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence

Emma Coker
Head of European Carbon, BloombergNEF

Moderated by George Ferguson
Senior Aerospace, Defense & Airline Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence

What are the potential risks and rewards of investing in sustainable aviation refineries? Sustainable aviation fuel is the primary way most airlines plan to meet environmental goals yet supply is woefully deficient. Investment is behind schedule as refineries likely take a decade and cost over $1 billion. How have the early deals performed, what’s the most likely way forward – and how can an investor profit?

Alice Bordini Staden
Climate Strategy Advisor, Mundys SpA

Preeti Jain
Head Net Zero Transition Programs, IATA

Brian Moran
Chief Sustainability Officer, The Boeing Company

Henry Rushton
Director Energy, ING

Ulrike Ziegler
President, IMPACT on sustainable aviation


Ilhan Savut
Head of Upstream Oil, BloombergNEF

17:10 – 18:00 Reception


The briefing is principally for the finance community and investors. If you are interested in attending, please email for more information. Please note that the event capacity is limited.