Finance sector briefing on SAF, New York

ATAG is organising a Finance sector briefing on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Manhattan on Tuesday 17 October. The event will bring together the aviation sector, banks, institutional investors, leasing and energy suppliers.

ATAG has been actively working to help drive the aviation industry towards net-zero carbon emissions for air transport by 2050. The greater production of SAF will provide an enormous potential for aviation to bring down its CO2 emissions and also to create new energy industries in developing and emerging economies all over the world. 

During the briefing, we will explore:

  • aviation's sector-wide net-zero commitment and SAF’s key role in achieving this
  • the demand outlook for SAF
  • the commercial aviation industry's energy transition and the importance of fostering partnerships to enable this transition
  • the importance and potential for scale-up of SAF 
  • investment needs, the role of different forms of finance and the potential for blended finance
  • the social and climate benefits that investment in SAF can bring.

Participation is by invitation. The briefing is principally for the finance community and investors, with representatives of ATAG's membership.

For more information, please email

View the event presentation here and the agenda here