Ishka ESG: Evolution, Implementation & Disclosure

Creating dialogue to drive change

Ishka’s 2024 ESG-SAF conference discussed:

  • preparedness of airlines, lessors, investors and finance providers to start implementing regulations and mandates to meet de-carbonisation targets
  • readiness to meet Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements, any impact on non-EU registered institutions
  • assisting airlines and asset owners to meet de-carbonisation targets
  • the current situation for cleaner energy production and supply to the aviation industry
  • whether sustainable aviation targets have a wider impact on the evolution of the industry in terms of investment diversity with lessors pivoting to non-traditional investment opportunities in cleaner energy and new aviation technologies.

Haldane Dodd gave presentation on "Fueling Net Zero - how to unlock investment in SAF". For more information, please see the event website, from where the PowerPoint slides and a recording of the session are also available.