Joining ATAG

Membership of ATAG is open to aviation partners and associations that wish to collaborate within ATAG, in particular in helping to achieve net-zero carbon for air transport by 2050.

Our main objective is to ensure that aviation can continue to connect the world and support economic and social development in the decades to come, while continually improving fuel efficiency and shifting away from fossil fuels as our energy source: protecting people, economies and the planet at the same time. 

As a not-for-profit association, ATAG relies on annual membership contributions. These support the development of strategies and joint initiatives, engaging in advocacy, conducting research and analyses and fostering knowledge and understanding of aviation's sustainable development, for the benefit of society as a whole.

ATAG’s members are drawn from the following areas of activity: airlines, airports, manufacturers, air navigation service providers, airline pilot and air traffic controller unions, leasing companies, alternative energy companies, chambers of commerce, travel and tourism institutions, aviation associations, communications providers and start-ups with a sustainability focus.  The main categories of ATAG membership are:

Principal partners

These devote a considerable amount of time to ATAG and have a strong influence over the association’s work programme. Key benefits are listed below.

  • a seat on the Board of Directors (2+ meetings times per year)
  • regular contact with the ATAG team and consultation on key decisions for the association
  • participation in the annual strategy brainstorming meeting
  • participation in ATAG working groups and projects on specific issues.
  • an invitation to the annual General Assembly
  • a dedicated company profile page on the ATAG website with the option to highlight your events, videos and publications.
  • sharing expertise and working closely with other aviation professionals that are part of the ATAG network
  • participation in regular sustainability briefings
  • option to join ad-hoc communications briefings.
  • access to ATAG’s communications resources (“toolkits” on specific issues, weekly round-up of news items on aviation and sustainability)
  • access to the ATAG private website, through which communications material, briefing notes and other pertinent documentation is shared
  • a newsletter providing an update on ATAG’s activities and noteworthy topics.

Fees per year for Principal partners are adapted according to the company’s annual revenues (for their commercial / civil aviation-related activities):

  • under $2bn: CHF 45,000
  • $2bn – $15bn: CHF 90,000
  • $15bn - $25bn: CHF 120,000
  • over $25bn – CHF 150,000.

For industry associations, fees are negotiated depending on the size and revenues of the organisation.

Strategic associates

These members are involved regularly in the work of ATAG but with less of an influence than Principal partners. Benefits are summarised below.

  • participation in the annual strategy brainstorming meeting
  • participation in ATAG working groups and projects on specific issues, by invitation on an ad-hoc basis
  • representation on the ATAG Board if deemed necessary by the Board for sectoral and geographical balance.
  • an invitation to the annual General Assembly
  • a dedicated company profile page on the ATAG website with the option to highlight your events, videos and publications.
  • sharing expertise and working closely with other aviation professionals that are part of the ATAG network
  • participation in regular sustainability briefings
  • option to join ad-hoc communications briefings.
  • access to ATAG’s communications resources (“toolkits” on specific issues, weekly round-up of news items on aviation and sustainability)
  • access to the ATAG private website, through which communications material, briefing notes and other pertinent documentation is shared
  • a newsletter providing an update on ATAG’s activities and noteworthy topics.

The annual membership fee for Strategic associate members is a minimum of CHF 12,500.


These companies wish to support ATAG's work and provide input to some working groups. They are also invited to ATAG briefings.

The annual membership fee for Affiliate members is a minimum of CHF 8,000.


Interested in becoming a member?

If you would like more information about supporting the work of ATAG, please contact Anna Patient. All applications for membership must be approved by the Board of Directors.

A brochure explaining the role of ATAG, benefits of membership and the services that ATAG provides is available for download here

A comparison of the various membership types is available for download here.