ATAG news


Counting down to CORSIA - Are airlines ready?

Airlines and business aircraft operators have just seven months to prepare themselves for the first stage of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), with monitoring of all CO2 emissions to start from 1 January 2019.


Aviation industry calls for adoption of 'CORSIA package'

The cross-industry Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) today urged governments to support a package of elements currently under consultation as the sector prepares to implement the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), the world’s first global market-based measure for any industrial sector.


European Union to prioritise sustainable aviation fuel

The aviation industry today welcomed a move by the European Parliament to ensure that sustainable aviation fuel is a key component of the future of air transport. The European Parliament this week adopted its position on the revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (REDII). This includes an increased focus on advanced biofuels for aviation and calls for any biofuel supplied to aviation to count twice towards reaching the EU target for renewable energy use across the region.


Aviation industry welcomes ICAO conference outcome

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) completed discussions today at its second Conference on Aviation Alternative Fuels, where an ICAO Vision for Sustainable Aviation Fuels was agreed by government, aviation industry and civil society participants.


Sustainability key to deploymen of sustainable aviation fuels

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will hold its second Conference on Alternative Aviation Fuels this week, bringing together experts from governments, industry and civil society to discuss the growing use of sustainable aviation fuel for commercial air transport.


Countdown is on for aviation climate scheme

Aviation executives meeting at the Global Sustainable Aviation Summit in Geneva today were told that the countdown had begun for airline and governments to prepare for the carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation (CORSIA), which was agreed by governments meeting at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 12 months ago.


Aviation supporting the sustainable development goals

The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) today released a new report at its Global Sustainable Aviation Summit, taking place in Geneva. Flying in Formation is a guide for the air transport industry to help understand the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in an aviation context.


Geneva to host Global Sustainable Aviation Summit

Over 300 delegates are meeting in Geneva this week for the ninth Global Sustainable Aviation Summit, organised by the Air Transport Action Group. The Summit brings together industry sustainability experts with governments and civil society to look at the role air transport can play in supporting economic growth and reducing environmental impacts.


States urged to volunteer for global aviation climate scheme

Government representatives attending the International Transport Forum in Leipzig, Germany are being urged to support the air transport industry with its plans to reduce the climate change impact from its operations.


Historic aviation climate agreement reached at ICAO

The worldwide aviation industry has applauded a crucial climate agreement reached by governments meeting at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) today. The negotiations, to put in place the world’s first carbon offsetting scheme for any global sector, have had the backing of the aviation industry, which first proposed the measure in 2009.


Aviation industry urges governments to show climate leadership

Negotiations to complete the first global agreement on capping a single sector’s climate impact are due to resume in Montreal on Tuesday as the world’s governments meet for the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) 39th Assembly. The Assembly, which takes place every three years, will focus heavily on finding agreement between governments to develop a carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation, to be known as the CORSIA.


Momentum builds towards ICAO ofsetting scheme for international aviation

The aviation industry welcomed declarations by Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Kenya and the United Arab Emirates in the last few days that they intend to volunteer to participate in a global carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation (CORSIA), currently being negotiated at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The CORSIA is part of a ‘basket of measures’ which will help aviation reduce its climate impact and it has the full backing of the aviation industry.


Momentum builds as alternative fuels jet off on more airlines

The use of sustainable alternative jet fuel was given yet another boost today as JetBlue announced its intention to start using this renewable energy source for flights from New York from 2019 in a decade-long off-take agreement. Deployment of this new fuel is a key part of aviation industry commitments to reduce its climate change impact.


Encouraging consensus building at ICAO climate talks, industry urges states to show more ambition

The aviation industry today welcomed announcements by the United States, China and 44 European States that they would voluntarily join a global carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation (CORSIA) currently being negotiated at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The discussions centre on the major design elements of the scheme and follow three years of talks which are due to conclude at the 39th ICAO Assembly from 27 September to 7 October this year.


Supporting jobs, economic growth and sustainable development through aviation

Aviation is vital to the modern, globalised world, supporting millions of jobs and driving economic growth. But the benefits of connectivity must be protected with appropriate support from governments if the air transport sector is to fulfil its potential as a connector of people, trade and tourism and a driver of sustainable development. These are the conclusions drawn in a new report, Aviation: Benefits Beyond Borders, launched today by the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) at the United Nations High Level Political Forum’s Sustainable Development Goal Business Day in New York.


Transporting ministers urged to support global offsetting mechanism for aviation

Fifty ministers of transport from countries around the world are gathering in Leipzig for the International Transport Forum Summit, the theme of which is ‘green and inclusive transport’. At the ministerial opening session today, Tony Tyler, Director General and CEO of the International Air Transport Association delivered a message on behalf of the global aviation industry:


Aviation industry prepared to start global offsetting measure in 2020

Industry observers to this week’s High Level Meeting on a Global Market-Based Measure Scheme for international aviation were encouraged by the progress achieved in the talks, held at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal.


Government negotiators receive encouragement from aviation industry leaders

A High Level Meeting being convened by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on 11 May received executive-level support from the aviation industry today, as leaders representing all parts of the sector encouraged governments to progress their deliberations on a global carbon offsetting scheme for air transport.


Governments urgesd to settle on key aviation climate package

Today, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) launched a series of regional outreach and education sessions as negotiations continue towards the adoption of a global climate agreement for air transport. The regional events, under the title global aviation dialogues (GLADs), are a key part of the agency’s work in the lead up to the ICAO Assembly in September.


Global agreement on CO2 standard for aircraft "A Significant Step"

Governments, industry and environmental groups meeting at the United Nations specialised agency, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), have today finalised the design of the first global certification standard for CO2 emissions from new aircraft. The agreement on a rigorous and challenging ICAO “CO2 Standard”, is the result of six years’ work by a task force of experts from governments and observers and will apply to all new aircraft designs from 2020.